How do I Generate AI Producer Tags on Moshpyt?

In this article we will go through the steps to generate AI producer tags on Moshpyt.

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Fun fact - Moshpyt has the fastest, cheapest and best quality producer tag platform available currently!
To ensure that the A.I pronunciation is correct, Moshpyt enables users to create three free producer tags. Here's how:
  1. Visit the Moshpyt Producer Tag Generation Page.
  1. In the bottom right, click the “Try Free” button.
  1. Now you can choose between the A.I Tag Complete mode and the Custom Tag mode
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      • If you choose the A.I Tag Complete mode, you only have to enter your artist name and the A.I will complete the producer tag for you.
      • If you choose the custom mode, you must enter your full producer tag.
  1. Now enter either your artist name or producer tag into the input field.
  1. Press the generate button.
  1. Now you wait around 30 seconds to one minute for the A.I to generate the tag.
      • A beat is overlayed over the producer tag for demo purposes and the producer tag can not be downloaded.
  1. Once ready, you will be able to play the producer tag by pressing the play button.
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Once you have your pronunciation ready, you can move on to purchase 20 unique producer tags. They will have varying voice models, expressions, speeds, pitches and pronunciations so you can pick the best one.
Here’s how!
  1. Visit the Tag Designer Page.
  1. Select the mode for your producer tags. The modes apply in the same way as they did for the demo tags.
  1. Choose your size of producer tag order (either 10, 20 or 50) and enter your artist name/producer tag.
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  1. Now you can pay either via credit card or PayPal.
  1. Once your payment has been confirmed, you can enter the email address to which the tags will be delivered to.
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  1. The tags are generated in 15-30 minutes.
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      Make sure to check your spam folder if you haven’t received the tags in 30 minutes!
  1. Once the tags are generated, you can download them via the link delivered to your email address.
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      Congratulations! With the Moshpyt A.I., you've effortlessly generated your producer tags, and now you can focus on what you do best - making exceptional music.

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